Too Much Media

A message of hope, inspiration and challenge.

America’s only hope for restoration is for men, women and children to turn their hearts toward God. This Sunday message is one that is good for every day of the week.

*** Pastor Ron Burtz***

Have you seen what’s on TV lately?

Sometimes I feel like the television is an open sewer pipe in my living room dumping gallons of filth into my home each day. So that’s why I recently challenged our congregation to a week-long Media Fast. As with a “food fast” the purpose is not to impress God with our sacrifice or to deprive ourselves… it’s not even an exercise in self-denial (although that has its benefits). No, the purpose is to give ourselves a different perspective, a break, a chance to refocus on the voice of God rather than the constant barrage of information, opinions, values and images electronic media throws at us 24/7. It’s kind of like this…Have you ever taken a walk on a pleasant summer evening enjoying all the sights and smells of the great outdoors, and then walked back into your house, and thought, “Wow! It really smells in here!”. Think about it. Did it really smell any different than when you walked out of the house? No, but because you had been exposed to the fresh outdoor air, you actually noticed how stale the air inside your house had become. My hope in this Media Fast is that the same thing will happen in our hearts and minds. By taking a break from our exposure to TV, Radio, Movies, maybe even the internet, we’ll give our minds a chance to rest from the constant chatter and unbiblical worldviews promoted by our culture. And if we replace that with more Bible reading, more face-to-face interaction with other Christians, and times of private prayer and worship, we’ll be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, today would be a GREAT day to begin! It’s easy:
A. Admit you are a sinner.
B. Believe that Jesus died to purchase forgiveness for your sins.
C. Confess Jesus as your savior.
Now… you are saved. Your new life has BEGUN. Find a Bible believing, Gospel preaching church. Read your Bible and pray (talk to God). May God bless you as you trust and obey Him in everything you do!

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