What Do Facebook and ObamaCare Have in Common?
With its ability to gather information and make social decisions, statistics catapulted central planning into the tool-of-choice for government management. Now computer data collection has joined the team, though we have to remember that bureaucracies are only a mechanism, not an ideological force in their own right.
As gun owners already know, technology is neutral in itself, being good or bad depending on how it is used. Computer networks have the potential of revolutionary change, so if the bad guys are in charge, then they have a tremendous advantage in terms of regulating access and understanding. We need only imagine how Hitler or Stalin might have used today’s technologies.
It wasn’t long ago that social messaging brought down long-established governments in North Africa and the Ukraine under the banner of democracy–to achieve the same ideological takeover that “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” did during the bloodthirsty French Revolution. Nice words that mask the real power grab. No problem if demonstrations don’t measure up, just use social media to organize another.
The word is out that Facebook has already morphed into an older person’s technology, leaving social messaging like Twitter to the younger crowd. Fewer words means less thinking, but more interaction. It doesn’t matter, because Facebook joins all other networks today in its unified goal of collecting data, as Edward Snowden has partially demonstrated. Remember how they used to say that once published in a book, ideas are then obsolete and have already acquired a new guise?
We get a glimpse now and then of how data can be used to fight crime or track the last movements of deranged killers, but the public really has absolutely no understanding of how it works to consolidate power. Even so, no need to worry at this point because any abuses will be out of public view, not on the news, unknown to rank-and-file establishment politicians from both parties. Best to keep everything off stage, out of reach even to brilliant, multitaskers and researchers who make it all possible. Expect nothing dramatic to flag change.
As with credit cards and cell phone records, nothing escapes the all-remembering eye of data collection. Facebook and all other social messaging activities have been endorsed whole hog by the unsuspecting public. You are being watched as never before in history. Even the Russians understand how the West is starting to employ this new technological power. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg (photo).
To most people, ObamaCare is associated with just more welfare-like free stuff. Like the lottery, there is the hope of something for nothing. Same with armed robbery. But the whole ObamaCare operation is well-hidden in daunting regulations that even legislators don’t read. As with paying taxes, the citizen who steps up to the ObamaCare plate is volunteering to surrender his personal profile for years to come. Facebook and social messaging is the same. No problem with being tracked at this point, but just wait…