Good Old Boys

The US Chamber of Commerce does not want to “rock the boat”.

“Sit down and shut up”, was the advice Chamber president, Tom Donahue had for Senator Ted Cruz.

That, in a nutshell, explains the philosophy of the US Chamber of Commerce.  They like people like John Boehner and John McCain.  McCain received an award from the Chamber just a couple months ago.

The term “crony capitalism” might have some relevance to the politics of the chamber.  They want politicians who will “scratch the backs” of their big business friends, not people like Senator Ted Cruz, who serve the interests of the people.

The Chamber gives lip service to less government, but when the rubber meets the road, they support “friends” of big business over friends of taxpayers.

Really…. do you think Senator Ted Cruz should just “sit down and shut up”?  If you do, you would be in the company of the establishment, big government Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber has already spent more than $12 million dollars in the 2014 election cycle.  They spend more money than any other lobbying organization in America.

Scott Reed is another face at the US Chamber of Commerce.  He talks about supporting less regulation and then maligns people like Senator Ted Cruz, by suggesting that they want to “blow up Washington”.  Reed is an entrenched establishment supporter.  He has served as the Executive Director of the Republican National Committee and the campaign manager for Bob Dole in his run for the White House.  He could hardly be considered anything other than an “establishment” insider.  Certainly not the type you would find at your local Tea Party rally.  Reed insists the Chamber supports candidates who are interested in “governing”.  That is code for “supporting the establishment”.  “Goofball” or “noisy” are other terms Reed uses to describe Cruz-type candidates who are not intimidated or controlled by the “good old boys” in Washington DC.

This video has him trying to sound like the Chamber supports the Tea Party, while at the same time attempting to marginalize leaders like Senator Cruz who dare to challenge the establishment.

The big business “friends” of crony capitalism are very busy.  Anything… or anyone, who feathers their nest can expect their endorsements, awards and support.

Anyone who challenges the misdirection of the establishment should just “sit down and shut up”.

***Gordon Howie is an author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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