Time For Straight Talk

Have you ever been guilty of “beating around the bush”.

I suspect most if not all of us have at some point chosen our words carefully concerned about the outcome once spoken. Christ Jesus Himself on occasion did this as we see in John 16:25 where figurative language was admitted too, but there comes a point in time when plain talk was necessary and the Spirit of Truth (John 17:13) would need to be called upon so all would clearly understand God the Father and His ways.

I believe today is again a time for plain or straight talk. Society it seems would like to silence Christians through means such as political correctness. It is again time (if that ever changed) to point out boldly what is right and wrong and stand behind our beliefs with action leaving the outcome to God’s plan for our lives.

It begins in Psalm 58:3 with our need to call out those who lie. Today sadly it seems that those who lie do so boldly while continuing to cover it up when caught considering it necessary to achieve their personal agenda. Lies are about self and they are wicked.

Also commonplace esp. on television, movies and even the hallways of our schools is the use of cursing. Someone once tried to justify it saying all utterances are simply words unless God’s name is involved. Psalm 59:12 doesn’t seem to define it in such manner. The problem is for many it has become second nature and not the mere outburst when you experience some pain.

Wicked as well are enticements (Prov. 7:21). Many a fairy tale and real life situation can be recalled where someone “turning a pretty phrase” lured someone else into committing evil. All must be constantly on guard for this as satan comes in many different packages. Ultimate victory for satan is when we blaspheme or curse God (Daniel 7:25). For example you or someone you love falls seriously ill or dies tragically. It is here our soul is often most vulnerable as in our moment of weakness we turn on God.

We must always be on guard most especially in today’s world as deception is on the increase (Romans 16:18). It is time we stand on the truth and it is TIME FOR STRAIGHT TALK.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Sound speech uplifts the soul and speaks with words led by the Holy Spirit.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: John 16:25 “time for straight talk”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord speak through me.


1. Do you speak ‘straight talk’?

2. When did you feel it necessary (if ever) to beat around the bush?

3. Where do you see lying and political correctness today?

4. What do you do when confronted by the reality of ‘L’ (Language) in your viewing habits?



*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ


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