Real Freedom

Everyone seems to want freedom…

…in some sort of fashion yet the truth is we are only truly free when we are ‘born again’ which is to say that we take on the Holy Spirit in a way that our life’s actions are positive and affirming in the eyes of God (John 8:36). For many if not most people that is hard to understand but for we who take on the mantle of Christ and wrap ourselves in it completely that is when we begin to understand what freedom truly is for only Christ sets us free.

The reassurance of this is the fact that our sin is fully forgiven and eternal life is ours (Romans 6:22). Should that not give us joy. In fact having this freedom should so overwhelm us and please us that we commit to a life that will never be in bondage again (Gal.5:1).

The one thing we as believers need to do is to not abuse this freedom as Galatians 5:13 points out. Too many clergy and Christians have been led astray by personal desires taking with them other Christians who by their example also fall back into a sinful life. In 1 Peter 2:16 Paul mentions not using our understanding or liberty for any purpose other than to serve God the Father and God the Son.

Christian liberty is a wonderful thing when handled in the right fashion for when it is you will experience REAL FREEDOM.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Freedom’s foundation lies in the forgiveness of a faithful God.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: John 8:36 “made free by Christ”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY:  Lord thank you for setting me free.


1. Are you truly free?

2. How do Christians abuse their freedom?

3. How does freedom come through obedience to God?

4. Explain Christian liberty?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ


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