Harry Reid has been one of the worst leaders in modern history.
He has openly lied to the American people. One example of his advancing mis-information was his assertion that Mitt Romney didn’t pay any taxes for ten years. When asked recently if he regretted this, he simply responded with “Well, he didn’t get elected, did he?”
It’s unfortunate, but true, that principle and truth take a back seat in American politics. Reid might be the poster boy for what is wrong with politics, but leaders from BOTH parties behave similarly behind the scene. Even South Dakota’s “conservative” darling, Senator John Thune, was involved in the dirty politics of defeating Chris McDaniels in Mississippi last year. He campaigned and gave money in a Republican establishment led mis-information effort to stop McDaniels, who was the conservative challenger to establishment candidate Cochran.
One “conservative” group, the NRA endorsed and supported Reid in 2010. It’s all about power brokers in the field of politics.
Mild mannered, Dana Perino, former Press Secretary and now Fox News Commentator, blasted Reid in an interview:
While Perino was on point regarding Reid, she missed the larger issue.
The hard reality is that while Harry Reid has indeed served shamefully…
…his behavior has become the new normal rather than the exception.
***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***
“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”
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