Ezra, Role Model For Visionaries

We just celebrated the 67th anniversary of the nation of Israel.

Image result for birth of israel

A vision that journalist Theodor Herzel had in 1894 and which was realized after his death. In this world throughout history there have been dreamers and visionaries with the difference being that visionaries make things happen while dreamers float by on clouds.

Ezra was such a visionary. He was one of the people who signed the covenant to one hr adrecommit the nation of Israel to God after their return to a rebuilt Jerusalem which was part of their task given to them as a commission by King Artaxerxes and that task was for Ezra to lead a delegation to restore Jerusalem which was a dream fulfilled for Ezra. I believe this was due to his heart for God shown in his living out and teaching God’s Word (Ezra 7:10). Whatever visions worthy of God we may have begin as it did for Ezra with obedience to God.

Ezra upon receiving this commission gathered together those who would go up to Jerusalem with him but before the ‘adventure’ would begin they gathered at the river Ahava for a time of fasting and prayer before the great undertaking . We to would be well advised before any undertaking to spend time in prayer and fasting so that as it was in the case of Ezra it will be rewarded with God’s favor (8:31).

Problems still remained for Ezra and the ‘descendants of the captivity’ as many toke pagan wives who believed in gods other than the one true God and after Ezra did some deep soul searching said the ‘descendents’ if they were going to be true to God and his will must separate themselves from those wives and children. Some did and some did not.

For me the story of Ezra is a message that God helps us fulfill our visions as long as our actions show true commitment to Him. We will not be separated from sin and that which is contrary to God in our surroundings but we are to remain ‘set apart’ for God’s special purpose. Doing so we can look to EZRA AS OUR ROLE MODEL FOR OUR VISIONS.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Ezra an example for all who exalt God.

DEVOTIONAL PASSAGE FOR TODAY: Ezra chapter 7 “the selection”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord thank you for the example of Ezra as I plan out my vision.


1. What is your God inspired vision?

2. How do you begin your undertaking of a vision?

3. How can Ezra’s life serve as a role model for us?

4. How should we as believers look to those who are not believers around us?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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