Are You Star Blind?

Star Blind / Herod’s Dilemma

By Brian Nickens, Dec 23,2015
When the Wise Men came to see Jesus they were following a star that ultimately led them to the Christ child. The irony of this event is that King Herod of Jerusalem and his counselors were unable to see the star that the Maji had been tracking for miles. Herod’s theologians had to go into scripture to discover the prophecy of Micah 5:2 to learn that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Think about this. They found in scripture something that they could not see with their eyes, even though it was hovering right over them. See Matthew 2:1-10.

When the Kingdom of God manifests in unusual and miraculous ways it is possible to be blind to the physical proofs. Jesus told Nicodemus that unless a man is born again he cannot “see the kingdom”. Jesus made it clear that mans spiritual condition affects his ability to see things of the kingdom accurately. This means there is a direct correlation between our eyes, our mind and our spirit. There is a spiritual blindness that dictates our minds ability to process the things of the kingdom of God even when they are displayed right in front of us.

A couple of years ago there were a series of manifestations in my church Bethel Redding where a cloud of sparkly golden dust mixed with tiny feathers would hover over us as we worshipped. This happened multiple times, witnesses by thousands of people. I personally witnessed this phenomena many times, and have even stuck my hand into the cloud as it filled our sanctuary. To my surprise when I shared this with some of my friends they were totally unaffected by my report even when I showed them the video footage, and bore witness to the fact that I was there. They were blind to the reality that supernatural phenomena had taken place in response to the praise and worship of Gods people. They saw the video footage with their eyes but not with their spirit. Therefore they didn’t see it at all. They looked at it but couldn’t see it. Just like Herod. He no doubt looked at the star but could not see the star.

Why? Because He did not want to see it for what it was. It meant there was another King in Israel. For my friends to accept the cloud for what it was and believe in its authenticity would mean to accept the fact that there are realms of the kingdom of God that they are unaware of, and manifestations of the King they are resistant to.

This Christmas season ask yourself this question. Am I blind to the signs and wonders that point to the King?


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