Is Terrorism America’s Greatest Threat?

Radical Islamic Terrorists are a significant threat.

Image result for swat team in action

But we might want to remember Muslim terrorists are not the ONLY danger.  Perhaps they are not even the worst.

Our own government has the potential to bring violence and death to an individual, a family or even a community.

Do you remember Ruby Ridge?  United States Marshals and the FBI killed the son and wife of Randy Weaver.

Maybe you have heard about Waco Texas?  76 people died when the ATF, FBI and other law enforcement attacked a religious compound in Waco.

Robert “Lavoy Finicum might be a familiar name to you.  He was shot and killed by law enforcement.

If you think these were all justifiable, you might want to consider the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890.  Over 200 men women and children were shot to death by American Soldiers.

You could argue that these are isolated incidents, and that we have no reason to fear our own government.  An article by John W. Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute might dispel that notion.  “The War Against The American Citizen” reports that US Government Agencies have ramped up their “law enforcement” capabilities in ways that are alarming.

“Among those federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions are the State Department, Department of Education, Department of Energy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service, to name just a few.

These agencies have secured the services of fully armed agents — often in SWAT team attire — through a typical bureaucratic slight-of-hand provision allowing for the creation of Offices of Inspectors General (OIG). Each OIG office is supposedly charged with not only auditing their particular agency’s actions but also uncovering possible misconduct, waste, fraud, theft, or certain types of criminal activity by individuals or groups related to the agency’s operation. At present, there are 73 such OIG offices in the federal government that, at times, perpetuate a police state aura about them.”

I have to wonder why the Department of Education and the Department of Energy would need a swat team.  And the Bureau of Land Management?  The IRS?

Since the latest killings in Florida, Hillary Clinton is calling for new “gun safety” laws.  We can hardly be “safe” if our ability to bear arms is infringed.

The 2nd Amendment defines our right to bear arms.  We have the right to self defense.


Against terrorists and a tyrannical government.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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1 comment for “Is Terrorism America’s Greatest Threat?

  1. Thomas King
    June 14, 2016 at 7:08 am

    Terrorism isn’t even in the top 10 most pressing issues in our nation right now. I’d offer that our rejection of God tops the list, but it would fall on unbelieving ears and even draw mockery and abuse. (present company excluded) Perhaps our most pressing issue is the apathy which has engulfed our citizenry. From this apathy springs the rise of the government which now seeks to crush us. We no longer educate ourselves with respect to the issues facing our nation or vet the men and women who seek to represent us. If you are inclined to pull the lever for anyone with an “R” or “D” after their names, YOU are part of the problem. You can make your own list after these two, but they are at the top for me.

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