Can It Get More Disgusting?

Yes, it can.

Image result for trump clinton

And it will.

Each day brings new, disturbing allegations about Donald Trump.  After hearing his “locker room” conversation on video, the new allegations are believable.  But are they true?  More importantly, are they relevant?

As bad as it is, one has to examine the allegations in view of the timing of their release.  Isn’t it strange that this barrage of sexual allegations against Trump comes at exactly the same time as the release of the damaging Clinton emails.

It should surprise no one that Trump has lived a life contrary to sound moral principles.  Who didn’t already know that?  To be clear, sexual abuse in any form is and should be completely unacceptable.  As we weigh the depravity of the sex allegations against Trump, I find myself asking a few questions in my personal struggle deciding how to vote.

  • Is the Clinton support of abortion up to the moment of birth somehow more excusable?

  • Does the timing of these allegations appear suspicious, given the disclosure of Clinton emails and ethical challenges?

  • The history of lying by Clinton isn’t just an allegation, it is publically documented.

  • Was the vicious attacks by Hillary and the Clinton machine against the Bill Clinton sexual assault victims a moral course of action?

America is witnessing the most vicious gutter politics in modern times.

Hopefully, voters will be able to wade through the slime and make a decision that is best for America.  Neither of these candidates are Sunday School poster children, to say the least.  Still, we are compelled to make a decision.  Make no mistake… not voting is indeed, making a decision; a decision which will be accompanied by consequences.

Back to the women who have suddenly appeared, in a very timely manner (to benefit the Clinton campaign):

I am reminded of another high stakes situation where false testimony had very large consequences.  When the religious leaders of old were threatened by the rising popularity of Jesus ( To be clear, I am in no way comparing Trump with Jesus.  I am comparing the high stakes circumstances. ) false testimony was given to promote the conviction.  The redemption of the entire world was in the balance.  Fortunately, despite the unjust conviction and execution of Christ, God had a plan that could not be outmaneuvered.

Now, with the fate of our nation on the line, witnesses are lining up to destroy the Trump campaign, which appears to be the only hope for returning America to principles held dear by conservative Christians.  We should remember that duty belongs to us.  Results belong to God.

I am grateful for the assurance that God has a plan.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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3 comments for “Can It Get More Disgusting?

  1. October 13, 2016 at 5:23 pm

    Hillary favors abortions, God hates these baby killers.

  2. October 13, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    I honestly think 90% of this is just more FALSE FLAGS THAT CLINTON & OBoma has made up

  3. Marlin Olson
    October 13, 2016 at 4:53 pm

    I Googled Jessica Leads and her age she is 74 Trump is 70. She claimed a 10 year old Fondled her

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