The church has failed.
That is a familiar battle cry from those who have rejected Christ. It’s also a reason given by those who “don’t go to church”. There are just to many hypocrites in the church. One of my favorite responses to the hypocrite objection came from an old Baptist preacher I knew. When someone told him they would not attend church because of all the hypocrites he just smiled and said, “There’s always room for one more”.
This video has receive millions of views, and amens from those finding fault with the church. I suspect most of the amen section is comprised of those who don’t attend.
I don’t go to church because I need the love and acceptance of the other people who go there. That is nice, and I do find it there, but that isn’t why I go. I go because I have given my life to Christ, and I set that time aside to worship my Lord. The fellowship of other believers is an extra benefit.
I would suggest that the person who left the church “because people judged him and didn’t love him” is actually doing the very thing he is complaining about…. not loving, and judging. Yes, we are commanded to love. Now let’s accept the fact that we ALL fail in doing that. It’s why we need a Savior. He left the church because he didn’t find the Savior. I had similar experiences as a young man. The “church” failed me. Then… came a time I simply gave my life to Christ and everything changed. The hypocrites and non-lovers in (and out) of the church were no longer relevant to my salvation. I came to grips with my sin and asked Jesus into my life.. The only thing that can save this young man in the story (or anyone else) is an acknowledgement that he has failed and needs Christ. Lots of people stay away from church because their eyes are on the imperfection of the other people who go there, rather than the perfection of Christ. It is a convenient excuse to shine the light on someone else rather than our own sin.
True, the church should be filled with love and acceptance of the sinner. But nobody will get saved unless and until they come humbly to the foot of the cross and yield to Christ.
Now, get dressed and go to church.
***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***
“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”
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