By Ed Randazzo
Pastor Scott Craig of BigHorn Canyon Community Church and Public Policy Advisor for KLMP Radio took exception to a recent editorial in the Rapid City Journal. Click on the link below to hear his thoughts on HB1217 and the Rapid City Journal’s opinion.
Lots of people have unconstitutional thoughts and opinions, and many people believe their faith entitles them to bring those beliefs into our government. Thank God we have our Constitution and Supreme Court to keep order and ride herd over those who believe they have more standing than the majority, presumably because they believe they know God’s will better than the next man.
What makes you think you know God’s will? I wasn’t aware that the Constitution and the Supreme Court were there to “ride herd” over anyone.
It is not now or ever has it been a prerequisite to being a mister that you are not a bigot, as proven by your bill #HB 1217.