Save America’s Children… Put The Bible Back In Schools

  1. Image result for children reading bibleDr. Ben Rush is regarded to belong in the top 10 or 20 of our Founding Fathers. He lead in Anti-Slavery, Establishing American Chemistry and Medicine, at the Second Continental Congress, by signing the Declaration of Independence and being a Champion to keep the Bible as the Most Important Public Schoolbook.

He wrote a letter in the 1790’s in which he gave several arguments supporting the Bible as the pre-eminant schoolbook. He started with 5 widely held assumptions by the vast majority of the top 300 Founding Fathers: 1. Christianity is the only True and Perfect Religion. 2. The best knowledge of Christianity is to be obtained from the Bible. 3. The Bible contains more information necessary to man than any other book. Which leads us to this fourth assumption.

“Biblical Knowledge is most durable, and religious instruction most useful when imparted early in life.”

Dr. Rush goes on to say, ” The memory is the first faculty which opens in the minds of children.” Of how much consequence, then, must it be to impress it with the Great Truths of Christianity, before it is preoccupied with less interesting subjects.”

I loved the Brooklyn Dodgers because my mother did; and I loved Micky Mantle because I got a baseball card of him when in the first grade.

I also loved David, Sampson, Moses and Jesus because I was told those stories before I could even read. “The B I B L E IS JUST THE BOOK FOR ME” AND “JESUS LOVES ME” WERE MY FIRST TWO FAVORITE SONGS. I memorized the Christmas Story in the Second chapter of Luke when so young that I recited it for all four of my still living Grandparents. Their Biblical Faith and Prayers sustained me when I wandered away as a young adult.

WE all struggle with Guilt. Some pretend that they are without sin and that horrific delusion provokes all kinds of blindness and pain to themselves and all those they contaminate with that self indulgence. Others are crushed by their failures and the Pain they have caused others. The Psychological and Spiritual Blessing that is Only available in the Forgiveness of Christ can enable Great healing when Forgiveness is shared with friend and foe alike.

Saint Abraham Lincoln knew the best Hope for reconcilliation when he called America to “Have Malice toward none and Charity for All”.

Abe also advised his skeptical friend, Speed, “Take what you can from the Bible by Reason and the Rest by Faith and you will be happier for it.” Great advice, God can give us Wisdom if we ask Him and Read His Word.

Dr. Rush had a final and true assumption: 5.”That the Bible when not read in schools, is seldom read in any subsequent period of Life.”

Most who read know this is the Truth and therefore know that we need to get the Bible back into the schools. The children of America are slipping away.

 *** Mark “The Freedom Poet” Skogerboe *** is a Life and Liberty News contributor and a lover of American freedom.  Mark has authored several books, hosted well known radio talk shows.  He has also appeared regularly on the Liberty Today television program.   His knowledge of history and our Founding Fathers makes him a popular speaker for conservative groups and rallies.


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