Books have all but disappeared as societal building blocks in recent decades. Excessive liberal orthodoxy on television reminds us that that industry is firmly in control, run by Democratic Party ideologues. The same holds true for print journalism. America seems to be in the midst of a new Reconstruction Era, as if the Right were being punished. There’s no state worse than California, despite its foolish pride in leading the way from one unwholesome trend to another.
But Gerard VanderLeun of Paradise (near Sacramento) knows that his blog, American Digest, is at least something, perhaps with a small audience that may relay what in his heart of hearts is a truthful assessment of what’s happening politically in America.
His first point is that “A tidal wave of refugees is coming. I think this is true for many reasons. I think we, American citizens, have been set up for a fall. Our laws will not effectively prevent them from getting here and not effectively allow us to remove them once here. This is not by accident.”
His second point is that “The left, the Democrats have fairly rapidly moved further left, why left, even more left than their stupid left wings statements on TV indicate. The left/Democrats have openly admitted that their future power will be based on immigrants legal and illegal and on those immigrants, legal and illegal voting for them. Our laws do not effectively prevent the illegals voting and our legal system is intent on preventing any laws that would effectively prevent illegals from voting.”
The list continues, including the likelihood of another US Civil War, one that is already underway in many respects. Of course, VanderLeun tacitly realizes that television-watching zombies have already been inoculated against thinking beyond the “stuffing” they’re being fed around the clock. After all, doesn’t the online dictionary define a zombie as “a person who is or appears lifeless, apathetic, or completely unresponsive to their surroundings.”