Miracle Baby

What a way to end the day! Late afternoon yesterday, as I was headed home, I stopped at a place of business for a few minutes. The owner, and friend of mine, happened to be behind the counter and the only customer in the place was preparing to leave.

With the establishment empty, he and I struck up a conversation that wound through several different subjects. At one point, our conversation turned to what a blessing it is to be able to live life supported by our hope in the Lord, rather than face life-situations in the hopelessness that exists without Him being in our lives. This led him into the question: “Did I ever tell you the story about my daughter?” My response was; “I don’t think so, but if you ever did, tell it again.”

It was a story of a problematic pregnancy, and the doctor’s insistence that she abort the baby in the best interest of her future health; a direction that she was unwilling to go. As the pregnancy continued, and her refusal to abort remained strong, the doctors finally admitted her to the hospital so they could stay on top of the situation. And then, many weeks early, it looks like the baby is going to come.

With added intensity, the doctor’s admonition is for the mother to abort the baby, because, at this stage their prognosis is that neither of them will survive the delivery. Upon her continued refusal to abort, the doctors turned to her family and told them that if she was going to continue to refuse to abort the baby, the family must start planning 2 funerals. Instead of planning funerals, the family prayed. The “rest of the story”, now several years later, is that mother and baby are both as healthy as can be; praise God!

For probably the next half hour, we traded stories about some of the literally miraculous things that the Lord had done in the lives of our families. The series of “Grandpa stories” were punctuated by pauses, as we each had to deal with some involuntary eye leakage that was taking place; no doubt caused by the remembrances of the “goodness of God” in action.

There is a reason that, several times, God told the Israelites to “remember what I did” and to relay it to future generations. At the Last Supper, as Jesus took the bread and the cup, He told His disciples; “do this in remembrance of Me”. Remembering and reflecting on how the Lord has affected our lives can be an important “faith-building” exercise, right along with Bible study and prayer, because it continues to remind us of the saying; “He did it once, He can do it again!”

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 (NASB)

*** Fred Wilson *** is an  author, former coach, teacher  and Life and Liberty News Contributor


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