The Times They Are a Changing

Image result for socialismI now have college students who not only look at the Cold War the way my generation looked at WW II, they see Vietnam the way we saw WWI, and they weren’t alive on 9-11-01.

They’ve been force fed on Al Gore’s man-made global warming hoax and the glories of the eternally free as outlined by Bernie-style Socialism every day of their legally mandated attendance at public screwals.  They don’t just say they’re Socialists they’re proud to tell you they’re Socialists.  When you ask them what Socialism is after they say, “Everybody gets everything for free,” a blank stare usually spreads across their self-satisfied face.

If you point out that Socialism has never worked anywhere ever they point to Bernie, AOC, and other prominent Democrat fellow-travelers and repeat the mantra about Norway, Sweden, and the Scandinavian Socialist mirage.  Their eyes glaze over and they react like Will Robinson’s robot when something doesn’t compute if you try to tell them that all of the Scandinavian countries have economies that’re more capitalistic than our own.  Or, that spending less than one percent of GDP on defense because we defend them frees up money for social spending.

A few years ago they were repeating the words of Sean Penn and other Hollywood know-nothings who praised the so-called Socialist miracle in Venezuela.  Now that the once fourth richest country in the world has descended into the Socialist end game of living in the dirt and eating leaves the Socialist apologists say its America’s fault the miracle has vanished instead of facing the reality that sooner or later you always run out of other people’s money.

Hopefully once these preprogrammed proto-adults mature they’ll live out the reality of one of the nuggets of wisdom often attributed to Winston Churchill, “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart.  If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.”

It’s easy to think everything should be free when your parents have supplied you with everything for free all your life.  Once you have to figure out how to keep a roof over your head and food on the table most people are smart enough to realize there is in fact no free lunch.

The unfortunate reality is that all of these dreamy-eyed Kum ba yah kadets may well vote us all into the Gulag before the reality of a work-a-day world has a chance to wring the “I want what I want and I want it now!” childishness out of their minds.

There’s no doubt that the future belongs to the young for they’ll be living in it after the old are gone.  It’s also true that very generation when they’re young act as if youth is some kind of novel invention they’ve devised on their own.  Today we’re witnessing the abandonment and rejection of everything that made this country great, its culture, its history, and its heritage.  Whether America will still be a shining city on a hill and the last best hope of humanity for freedom once the foundations have been swept away is a question for the future to answer.  However, one thing is for sure; the times they are a changing.

*** Dr. Robert Owens ***  is a Life and Liberty News contributor, College Professor and the author of a widely published weekly opinion column, The History of the Future which can be viewed at  He holds an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies, a Bachelor Degree in Religious Education, a Bachelor Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Religious Education, a Master’s Degree in History, and a Ph. D. in Organizational Leadership. Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Religion, and Leadership. His books include; The Constitution Failed, The Azusa Street Revival, America Won the Vietnam War, COGIC History, The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same, Then Came Trump, America’s Trojan War, and Constitutional Philosophy in Action. All these books are available from  Contact Dr. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens


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