As Hong Kong Goes, So Goes the West

“China is pursuing the same goal that the American Left pursues: full governmental control of all citizens,” points out “Why Pay Attention to Hong Kong?” in an American Thinker article today.

     “The Left in America is powerful, and loud, and it controls academia, most of mass media, and most of the culture,” states the author Mark Deutschle, who begins by saying that “The citizens of Hong Kong (H.K.) have taken to the streets to protest Beijing’s attempt to annihilate their democracy.” As Hong Kong goes, so will go America and Europe. Authoritarian socialism and central control will have triumphed.

     But, some may argue, Hong Kong is the ultimate metropolis, teeming with millions, just like the big cities of America, now closely identified as Democratic Party strongholds. These are the Sanctuary Cities, open to pliable poor and third world immigrants who are too busy working as servants to know anything about politics other than where to pick up welfare checks and which party to vote for. Trump may own small town and rural America, but his financial holdings don’t include the few big media companies that instruct average citizens everywhere exactly how to think and feel about every issue under the sun.

     As Deutsche argues, “Mass media serve as a willing megaphone for the Left, delivering a constant stream of inflammatory and dishonest rhetoric.  The Left is very effective at targeting the emotions of the under informed with a constant diet of incendiary speech and misinformation.” It’s a top-down world, social programming at its worst. Universities teach teachers. Movies and television are unsleeping, while slowly poisoning an unsuspecting culture. “In America, we see suppression of truth occurring in both our public schools and in our popular culture.“

     Hong Kong became the financial wonder city that it now is under the British Empire, which specialized in helping backward or stagnating countries upgrade technologically and industrially to modern standards. But the British never imposed the cultural requirement of diversity on its colonies. As with the “shut foreigners out” policies of historical Japan and China, the people of Hong Kong still have a united and wholesome cultural identity. “As is so clearly laid out in the Democrats’ proposed Green New Deal,” Deutschle implies, “the Left desires government to be empowered to dictate almost all aspects of life in America, including but not limited to medical care, energy usage, food consumption, housing, taxes, and so on.”

     Now living beneath Chinese rule, citizens of Hong Kong are acutely aware of their political vulnerability, where under the new law, “the presumption of innocence would no longer exist.  In effect, this new rule meant that Beijing could simply label someone an enemy of the state deserving incarceration, without having to provide any proof of any crime.”

     The bullying behemoth is also right next door, in contrast to what Americans sense daily: “Unfortunately, many Americans haven’t got the street smarts to see where the Left wants to take them.”  With only one pipeline entering our heads, we can’t discern fake news from other entertainments.*

       According to Deutschle, we “haven’t been educated in American history, government, or economics, but instead have been taught by the public schools and popular culture to regard America as the world’s greatest villain.  Our schools are designed to convert our children into leftist acolytes who believe that America is racist, capitalism is racist, Republicans are racist, and so on.  Literally, from kindergarten on up, the message stays the same: things are so bad in America that fundamental change is the only possible solution.  Our youths are told every day that the best thing America can do now is to atone for our past sins by peacefully transferring our freedoms, our guns, and our wealth to our betters in Washington so they can somehow make everything better.”

     True, there are some Americans who believe that the travel poster Hong Kong of yesteryear is as forever lost as the values and traditions of Colonial America. Others today argue that what Hong Kong really needs is an enlightened Declaration of Independence to make itself great again, as well as President Trump’s help, to become “The Pearl of the Orient” again.


1 comment for “As Hong Kong Goes, So Goes the West

  1. Brad Ford
    August 25, 2019 at 4:55 pm

    * Newt Gingrich made a similar point on the FoxNews website today, the article “NY Times launches propaganda campaign on race.”

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