The record of Leftist policies proves it.
Chicago is a prime example: governed by Leftist Democrats, gun ownership severely restricted, extremely high gun violence & murder rates.
Leftist have become Democrats more embolden than ever, now calling for mass gun buy-back programs, and gun confiscation. They just don’t get it.
One more time… guns are NOT the problem. Taking guns from law abiding citizens is not the solution.
Reason is wasted on the deaf ears of Leftists. Nothing short of eliminating the 2nd Amendment will satisfy them. If (God help us) they ever succeed at taking our guns, we will not have reached the end of that road. The Leftist philosophy requires ever-increasing government control and ever-eroding personal freedoms. It is just the way they think. If you could paint a picture of their vision of America, it would not be a pretty picture.
Now more than ever, freedom loving Americans must step up and support candidates who will preserve and strengthen our Constitutional, God-given rights. Our freedom is truly on the line.
“Gun control”… one more reason not to support any Democrat.
*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media
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