Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”.
Meet “Miss February, 2020

“Miss February”, 2020 featured by Longhorn News and Market. SD Cornelia Mari, DOB 6/20/2010, 82.5” TTT. She would turn heads in anyone’s pasture. Owned by Mark & Charlene Gilliland, Gilliland Ranch. http://www.gillilandlonghornranch.com/Default.aspx?AnimalID=56979&Name=SDCORNELIAMARI
In a world filled with bad news, fighting and discord, beautiful Texas
Longhorn Cattle provide a refreshing relief. We are sharing these “Calendar Girls” with you too… just for fun!
If you enjoy seeing beautiful Texas Longhorn cattle ( I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t ), you are welcome to join Longhorn News and Market! on facebook.
Stay tuned for “Miss March”, 2020
*** If you would rather not drive all the way to Texas to see Longhorns, call me for a personal ranch tour 381-3998 ***

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media
Follow me on Twitter @GordonHowieSD
“friend” me on facebook for daily updates.
See more about Texas Longhorn Cattle at www.ghowie.com
Our mission is to promote Conservative Christian principles, help the hurting and provide truth and information to a lost and dying world.
“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”