Rioters Amok: Were Minneapolis Police and National Guard Disarmed?

(Picture shows Berkeley law enforcement back in the 1960s, already labeled “pigs,” armed really with batons, obviously not up to turning back any mob, violent or otherwise.  “Show of force” becomes an empty gesture.   Later, the Hell’s Angels were the only human barricade, in a similar line of defense, though conservative, who would stand up to the Marxist demonstrators, prepared to fight.”

Messages were clear to the recent rioters in the Twin Cities: rampage as violently as possible—and the police and National Guard won’t stop you.  Nor will they protect any innocent citizen, male or female, black or white, caught up in the violence.  This is the mandate that the majority of Minneapolis and Minnesota voters gave to the Democratic Party Marxists they put in office.  Arsonists and rapists are really good people at heart.  They just need more money and free things to get up to speed. Thanks LBJ, Clinton, Obama, and their GOP dupes.

If law enforcement won’t come forward to do their jobs, then they must be scared of the explosive violence they’re up against.  Those in uniform knew whom their paychecks were coming from: administrators from the police and military with decades of rules-of-engagement politically correct orders to stand-down to protected classes across the rainbow spectrum.

After all, the urban underclass is subjected to constant television-delivered propaganda that promotes 24/7 the “luxuries” that the rest of us take for granted.  Tempted and seduced till it hurts, the next logical step is to seize the opportunity when it presents itself.  Life is short, so a few hours of utterly lawless bliss marks the highpoint in an otherwise colorless life.  Anarchy is beautiful because it promises a new beginning, and any fresh start will do.

Go back to the University of California at Berkeley about 1962.  Entering campus near the main gate, across Telegraph Avenue near the Student Union, you’d have found portable card tables everywhere with students seated behind stacks of propaganda pamphlets that explicitly extolled the virtues of the Bolshevik Revolution.  For some new students, this was a non-fraternity way of meeting people, while picking up exotic ideas, however political, that they expected to find on campus.

More experienced “Old Left” students managed things from a distance. They taught the gullible newcomers how to argue and deflect criticism.  Overall, there was an exciting sense of self-righteousness that replaced the dreary old-fashioned church services they had left back home.  Confrontation with disagreeing students and faculty who approached the tables was to be encouraged.  Such “scenes” drew attention and gave the advantage to those with the newest ideas, which students, by the simple act of going to college, were looking for.

In 1962, hardcore gay activists were arriving in their new headquarters San Francisco from all over the world. The Berkeley campus was surrounded by oceans of black communities.  Most of them were very much like their white counterparts, in synch with work, family, church and other normal focuses of everyday life.  They were mostly happy and contented, exactly the opposite of what the radical left was preaching about the exploited proletarian masses who had the potential to overthrow the ruling class.

The mission of white radicals in Berkeley was a no-brainer:  spend lots of time in the black community reminding them of slavery and oppression and the fruits of white society that they were being denied.  A proxy army was being forged of street toughs, peeking their appetites to use force and violence to get results.  Hence Minneapolis.

Truth be told, the white boys and liberals on campus back then came from sheltered middle-class homes.  They weren’t used to fighting, but black kids were.  A proxy war ensued, and it has lasted right down to the current Minneapolis riots.  The current mayor can serve as a poster boy for the “effete, impudent snobs” that Spiro Agnew knew so well:  militants who would sell their flower-child girlfriends to the highest bidder.

    God must have seen all of this coming.  He put the only politician capable of standing up to bullies and radicals into the presidency.  Donald Trump has the strength to take action against violent and stupid rioters, but he is fully aware of the media corporate advantage in favor of propagandizing the average citizen who prefers being entertained rather than informed.  Their thinking is exactly the same as what they hear on the news.  Who can blame them for not being independent thinkers?


1 comment for “Rioters Amok: Were Minneapolis Police and National Guard Disarmed?

  1. Brad Ford
    June 1, 2020 at 6:10 am

    During World War II, the Soviets would often round up hordes from the east to be thrust into the front lines without either guns or bullets or any other weapon. The idea was to use up ammo from the German machine guns, hoping that the tactic might eventually allow them to capture weapons. Having a rifle or bayonet without bullets presents an inept show of force in Minneapolis and other sanctuary cities, but it’s not fooling street-tough rioters.

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