Romney for President-No Thank You

Mitt Romney is polished. He has political acumen and has demonstrated fund-raising abilities. Unfortunately, he also has a record of accomplishments that disqualify him as the leader we need.

His talents lie in the political fray, the world of deals and compromises we can no longer afford. The stakes here are too high to elect another politician.

We need a leader prepared to tell the American people what they don’t want to hear. Many will not want to hear the truth but we need a leader obsessed with truth, not focus groups. We need a leader whose passion is not becoming president but saving our Republic.

These basic requirements are lacking in Mitt Romney. His history of flip-flops on key issues – such as same-sex marriage and abortion are sure signs of a lack of principled commitment. Most recently, he sat out, obviously intentionally, the whole critical debate on the debt ceiling. Apparently an issue that was too hot for Mitt to handle.

And, perhaps of greatest immediate material concern, he continues to refuse to repudiate the health-care system he set up in Massachusetts (Romneycare). Yet he says he wants to repeal Obamacare.

Let’s understand today’s leadership challenge this way.

Poll after poll shows that Americans see our nation in a perilous and precarious dismal condition and headed in the wrong direction, yet at the same time other polls show they want moderation and compromise in policy?

This is the result of the fact that most Americans today personally benefit from the very spending and programs that are bleeding us and strangling us to death.

Nearly 70 percent of federal spending (the spending we all know must be cut if we are to survive) consists of entitlements…..Social Security and Medicare.

The only way to effectively reduce our debt is by reforming these programs that account for the greatest share of spending. These are the very programs that most Americans personally benefit from – Social Security and Medicare. This will have to be accomplished by joining battle with the powerful lobbies and the mainstream liberal media.

Republicans must choose a candidate who can sell Americans on what they instinctively won’t want to do and do it in a liberal media environment hostile to any candidate willing to tell the truth.

Politician Romney may exploit current dissatisfaction and get nominated, and maybe even elected, by smooth talking, avoiding hard truths and relying on focus groups to navigate the treacherous waters.

If he is successful we will have elected another politician lacking the intestinal fortitude to lead.


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