Politicians have discovered a means of stealth funding for their bad programs.
It’s called inflation. In the dark of night the printing presses just “create” more dollars. While those presses are running they are literally sucking the life out of the pockets of those who can least afford it. A basket of groceries that used to cost $75.00 now costs $150.00. The programs that are sponsored largely by the liberal left are largely paid for by the unfortunate majority.
There is not a corresponding increase in income for Americans. All they get is reduced purchasing power with the dollars they currently have. It’s really a creative and deceptive tax increase.
Learn more about this war on America’s currency in the new book, The Inflation Deception.
It is yours FREE, compliments of Life and Liberty Media and the Shad Olson Radio Show.
Please click on THIS LINK to request your FREE copy.