1. The motion picture “I WANT YOUR MONEY,” featuring Ronald Reagan v. Barack Hussein Obama. This movie is a MUST SEE for everyone who is concerned about the direction of this country. This movie is confirmed to play starting October 15th at the CineMark Theatre in Sioux Falls, the Carmike in Rapid City and Luxury Theatres in Mitchell. More cities may be confirmed at a later date. Please refer to the trailer www.iwantyourmoney.net for a three minute preview. Share this information with all your email lists, Facebook friends and twitter contacts.
2. Glenn Beck is scheduled to host a patriotic rally in Rapid City on Oct 26th at the Rapid City Civic Center Arena. Tickets start at $19.95 and are available at www.gotmine.com. The South Dakota Tea Party, www.teapartysd.com organization is scheduling a bus to go to this event. We only have room for the first 56 people who sign up to come. The cost of the round trip bus ride would be $45. You will need to purchase a ticket to the Rally starting at $19.95 as well. The event is sponsored by our West River tea party friends, the South Dakota Tea Party Alliance. For bus reservations, please call 605-332-1962 or email me at allen@draunruh.com to confirm reservations ASAP. We need all reservations to be in by Oct 15th to confirm to the bus company. The event starts at 1:00 p.m. Therefore, the bus would leave at 5:30 a.m. at my clinic, 600 N.Western Ave. (American Legion parking lot) Sioux Falls. We would return after the event and be home that evening.
3. A Christian Voter Conference will be held at the Church at the Gate in Sioux Falls on October 15th. National speakers were recorded live at the Value Voter Summit in Washington DC where thousands of Christian Conservatives heard most of the national leaders, (presidential candidates and famous authors) speak on what action steps Americans need to take America back and preserve the principles articulated in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Tickets are $25.00 at the door. (Pastors admission is free) Come early! Registration begins at 8:30 am. This seminar will be from 9-5 pm on Oct. 15th in Sioux Falls. The Rapid City Conference is on October 18th at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn.
4. Our next meeting is this Monday, Oct 12th, at Johnny Carinos Restaurant from 12-1:15 p.m. You will hear from more candidates for the SD Legislature and we will have a brief strategy session on promoting upcoming events.
5. Mark your calendars for the upcoming debate between gubernatorial candidates Scott Heidepriem and Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard. It will be at the downtown Holiday Inn in Sioux Falls, from 7-8:30 p.m. Coffee and dessert cookies will be served. There is no charge for this event. This will be a rousing debate as all tea party debates are, following the Harvard Rules of Debate. This is the only “open to the public” debate between the candidates.
6. This link http://www.prioritysiouxfalls.com:80/ gives information on 3 more very important upcoming events sponsored by Priority Associates. They are sponsoring Josh McDowell, an international speaker and author of 107 books. He will be speaking on engaging the culture, and your worldview will determine your future. Josh is one of the most dynamic speakers you will hear this year. If you are a businessperson please sign up for the business luncheon. Otherwise parents and kids should attend his other sessions. You will gain a clear perspective of the clash of worldviews and how it has impacted our culture and how it will determine the future of America.
Allen Unruh-Sioux Falls, SD
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Actually I read it yesterday but I had some thoughts about it and today I wanted to read it again because it is very well written.
I heard a rumor God loves both the GOP and the Dems, and He’s not taking sides in the political affairs of men, despite the GOP’s belief He’s a card carrying member of their party.
Come up with something new, Inde. You’re getting really boring.
OK, God is a card carrying Independent. He doesn’t care to dabble in the political affairs of men. And how about you Teabaggers coming up with something new and maybe even original for a change?
“Teabaggers” is a pejorative and demeaning term. If you continue to use it, I will exclude your comments that use such language.
Sorry. Gordon Howie said in the Journal a few months ago he was proud to be one. I apologize if you took offense.
The term “teabaggers” is EXTREMELY offensive. How about you come up with something new and maybe even original for a change?
Thank goodness! The dawn of judgment for the Democrats is almost upon us! Finally, Tea Partiers get to knock a dent in that liberal disaster that has made a big mess of things.
Very nice post.