Progressive Liberal Schumer is Optimistic

Big government progressive liberals, led by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), says the political landscape has shifted dramatically from the 2010 election and predicts that Senate Democrats will hold their majority and might even expand it next year.

Democrats now have a 53-47 advantage in the upper chamber, but have been hit with retirements, must defend 23 seats next year while Republicans are defending only 10. Independent political handicappers say the GOP has a better than 50-50 shot at grabbing control of the Senate.

The ailing economy, Schumer contends, will hurt the GOP more than Democrats: “We don’t expect the economy to be in a rip-roaring recovery next year, but that hurts Republicans even more than it hurts Democrats, because it changes what the major issues are.

In case you were wondering, Schumer the gun grabbing comrade of both Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Mayor Bloomberg (I-NY), is from this planet but definitely needs some different colored spectacles as he surveys the political climate.

Schumer acknowledges that Democrats didn’t have an effective message last year, when the GOP won the House and cut significantly into the Democratic majority in the Senate.

Following the 2010 election, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) tapped Schumer to pick up the pieces and take charge of the Senate Democratic message.

Republicans scoffed at Schumer’s crystal ball.

“Considering Senator Schumer also predicted last year that supporting ObamaCare would be an ‘asset’ to Senate Democrat candidates, I hope for their candidates’ sake this cycle they’re not actually taking his predictions at face value. But we’ll leave the chest-thumping predictions and theatrics to Senator Schumer,” said Brian Walsh, communications director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

I’m thinking that Schumer has just clinched the “Optimist of the Year” award.

***Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author. He has been a conservative activist and consultant for over 30 years and is currently the Chief News Editor of Life and Liberty Media***


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