Has Popular Culture Anesthetized American Voters?

We can’t blame the spoon for making Oprah fat.  Nor should we castigate electrical engineers and computer scientists for flooding our lives with intoxicating electronic gadgetry.  Truth is, however, American society is drowning in popular culture, news “infotainment” included.  Actually, the brainwashing isn’t even that visible.  Few even want to be bothered.

      This cultural drugging of America started during the 1960s, according to Lloyd Marcus’ article “Obama 2012: All about Social Issues“:  “While lifelong Democrats like my parents were focused on trivia such as who shot JR, and today, American Idol, their Democratic Party was under siege.  The ’60s spoiled-brat white hippies and black-power militants became adults and hijacked the leadership of the Democratic Party.  They still hate America and traditional values.  Remember the line ‘This ain’t your Daddy’s Oldsmobile’?  Well, This ain’t your Daddy’s Democratic Party.”

    The New Left, Old Left, and hippies during the 1960s ushered in a new libertarian utopia, it seems, free from the restraints of history, religion, and heritage values.  They were able to take over a complacent populace, already drugged by television and rock ‘n’ roll.

    Marcus says that “In the ’60s, marijuana, LSD, and Boone’s Farm wine convinced hippies that ‘all we need is love‘ and the world would be a beautiful place.  Today, these old hippies run the Democratic party.  They believe that if they can control our behavior via government and confiscate enough of taxpayers’ money, their ’60s utopian ideas could become a reality: Strawberry Fields forever!”

     Conservatives were able to respond only ineffectually.  The takeover of entertainment channels by the Left proved to be too irresistible.  The Right didn’t see it.  Next came the hijacking of America’s political parties by liberals.  Yes, both Democrats and Republicans.  Marcus now finds that the Left is firmly in control and continues its dismantling of conservative institutions and values:

     If Obama is arrogant enough to attempt to force Catholic institutions, against their faith, to provide free abortion services, if re-elected, Obama will surely force clergy to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.  A social issue.

     Michelle Obama’s food police told a little girl the lunch mom packed for her was bad.  The food police gave the kid chicken nuggets to eat instead.  Dictating what we feed our kids is a frightening social issue.

     Bottom line: Obama and the Democrats seek total control of our behavior — what we eat, drive, say, how we express our faith, the education of our kids, how many babies we’re allowed to have, the amount of money we’re allowed to earn and how we spend it — all social issues.

     Conservatives are cautioned not to mention social issues or morality.  Meanwhile, the left’s actions are dictated completely by their social agenda and sense of morality.  The left believes that America is immoral.  They say our cars, population (having babies), food, and energy consumption are destroying the planet.  The world has too little because America has too much — social issues.

     Conservatives, stop allowing yourselves to be bullied into silence.      Obama and company are hell-bent on forcing their hippie hangover-inspired social agenda down the throat of each and every American.  When conservatives say “no” to their attacks on our freedom, liberty, and culture, they accuse us of being the aggressors.  In reality, the true nascent supreme dictator is Barack Hussein Obama.


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