Conservative Christians – Last Call

 Will you be part of the SOLUTION or part of the problem?

Doing nothing is the problem.  That’s what many American Christians have chosen.

The solution is to answer the call. 

Across the country, true American patriots are stepping forward to answer the call to serve. 

Politics has become a career for some, rather than a form of service in our country.   Personal advancement and re-election has taken precedent over doing the right thing based on principle.

So what should a Christian do?  Well, in South Dakota, many are taking out petitions to run for office.  BUT… there are still MANY races where incumbents who do not represent conservative Christian values are running unopposed!

March 27 is the filing deadline for State Legislative races.  It only takes 50 signatures to get your name on the ballot and become a candidate.  You still have time to do that!

Join the NEW team of conservative Christians who are determined to change the tone and the direction of politics in South Dakota!

Seriously, does it bother you that South Dakota is implementing ObamaCare?  Did you like last year’s $60 million dollar tax increase?  Are you comfortable that the rights of sexual abuse victims have been taken away? Do you like the proposal to change our state flag, removing the motto “under God the people rule”?  Is it alright with you that many Legislators support abortion and vote against protection of mothers and unborn children?  There is plenty more, but you get the point.  Isn’t it time for you to answer the call???

It has become unacceptable for Pastors to “talk about politics”.  Some suggest that it is “un-Christian” to challenge politicians on their voting records.  Most Christians actually believe or tolerate the myth of “separation of church and state”.

Don’t you see it??  America is in serious trouble.  Debt spinning out of control, spending continuing to escalate, morality in serious decline, anti-Christian bias growing, Republicans and Democrats looking more and more like the same party….

But there is still hope!!!

You are it!!!  You really CAN make a difference.  The hour is late, but it’s not TOO late!

Join the effort today!  Become a candidate, or click the donate button on this page to help someone else who is willing to serve.  If you are not sure how to help, call me anytime.  Let’s talk.  There isn’t much time.  We need your help to restore conservative Christian principles in our government!

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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