NRA Gun Control Bill is Back


The NRA-backed “Trojan Horse” gun control bill is back.



You will remember that H.R. 822, the so-called “National Reciprocity Act.” passed the House last fall, and now has been introduced in the US Senate by Democrats Mark Begich (D-AK) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), as S. 2188.



While the idea that all states should recognize a concealed weapons permit is sound public policy, the use of the anti-gun federal bureaucracy to implement it is simply naïve, foolish and downright scary.



Once the federal government is in the business of setting the standards for concealed carry permits, it’s only a matter of time before they start using that power to restrict our rights.



Now, you may hear arguments that this bill doesn’t do that, and maybe that’s true… for now.



But, once this bill starts moving, the Democrat-controlled US Senate can amend the bill with anything, and they will.


But even if not amended we will be at the mercy of the Obamacrats in the Department of Justice who will be empowered to dream up the “regulations” to carry out the legislative “intent.”



You know the Department of Justice headed by Attorney General Eric Holder. Do you want Eric Holder in charge of your gun rights?



I know many of you are frustrated that you can carry in some states but not others. I’m frustrated, too. I carry concealed every day and want to expand our rights to carry everywhere. I believe I should be able to carry concealed, without a permit in all 50 states. That’s what “bear arms” means.



I fear that H.R. 822 (and its Democrat-sponsored Senate version, S.2188), the National CCW Registration Act, will become a Trojan Horse for even more federal gun control.



This bill isn’t just about the right to carry for self-defense; it’s a battle over the role of government and the ability to restrict our Second Amendment rights.


Once gun owners let the Obamacrats start mandating whether states recognize permit reciprocity, they will want to mandate what it takes to get and keep those permits. It is likely to usher in higher permit fees, training requirements and a NATIONAL DATABASE OF PERMIT HOLDERS, complete with bio-metric data accessible by Eric Holder.



The NRA and the closet gun grabbers will tell you this is a step forward for CCW permit holders, make no mistake, the National CCW Registration Act is a misguided attempt to protect our rights.



They will use this bill as the foundation to create a federal database of CCW permit holders.



Join me and refuse to entrust my liberty and privacy to a “trust us, they won’t do that” approach to dealing with Obama, the gun-grabbers or frankly most politicians of either party in Washington.



PLEASE CALL YOUR US SENATORS at 202-224-3121 and relay the message that gun owners oppose S. 2188. Make clear that you want to keep the federal government’s HANDS OFF YOUR CCW RIGHTS!!!



***Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author. He has been a conservative activist and consultant for over 30 years and is currently the Chief News Editor of Life and Liberty Media***




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