Dark Days Of 2013

 Many economists are warning us that “dark days” lie ahead of us.

I tend to be an optimist.  My optimism is deeply rooted in the Scripture that assures me “all things work together for good, to those who love the Lord…”

So, for the record, I believe those of us who are “sold out” to Christ are going to be just fine, even though we too, will have to walk through the “dark days” ahead.

I am not, however, optimistic that our leadership in America or my home state of South Dakota will rise to the challenges and keep us from these “dark days”.

Congress seems completely unable to stop increasing our spending, cut our national debt, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, secure our borders, reduce our taxes, protect Christian values… or re-direct our country in any positive way.

South Dakota leaders are on a mission to be among the first few states to actually implement ObamaCare.  The budget for next year spends more than last year, they continue to raise our taxes… again, it’s a long list.

Why should we be concerned with the “dark days” of 2013?

The Heritage Foundation just released a list of TAX INCREASES scheduled for the American people in 2013.  Take a look:

Now, ask yourself, “do you see ANY serious hope that Congress will do anything to stop this Tax Avalanche?”

I don’t think so either.

Brace yourself and your family for these “dark days”. It’s just the beginning!

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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