Many people would not know how to communicate if they were suddenly in a foreign country with a different language.
Most Americans can speak English. Unfortunately, The language many people in office and in the media do not understand is the TRUTH.
To them, it’s like a foreign language. They don’t speak it, they don’t write it and they don’t understand it.
Omission and selective editing is one of their favorite tricks. The Zimmerman conversation is a good example of that. It was edited so it would appear he was being racist, when he was just answering a question. The question was simply “left out” in an attempt to mislead the listener.
Another tool of deception is to “rewrite” what someone says. If they don’t agree with you, you simply “make up” what you want them to say, and misquote them or take their comments out of context. This is an effective means of destroying someone’s message. The media and the left are experts at this!
These people are on a mission of wickednes… to kill, steal and destroy.
Sarah Palin was the victim of so many false accusations and lawsuits that she literally left office. She simply did not have the financial resources to deal with them all. Their purpose was to launch such a continuous barage of litigation that she could not defend it. They succeeded.
Then there is Barney Frank. He chaired the committe that was oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack. Do you remember his assurance that they were sound and there was no problem?
We could continue with a discussion of our President, other liberals and some Republicans. That doesn’t really serve any purpose.
The larger issue is, what can we do to end the deception?
We need more honest media. Voters need to focus again on character. It DOES matter. Come on… you know in your heart when someone is lying to you. You really know when someone is on a mission to destroy a person with whom they disagree. You can spot it a mile off. It is salted with name calling, lack of fact, malicious misinformation and anger.
Just tune them out and vote for someone else! Help restore the language of TRUTH.